Supporting Dyslexic Learners

Supporting Dyslexic LearnersThis project builds on the Framework for Understanding Dyslexia and contributes to meeting Government targets for improving standards. This includes developing training, linked to supported online learning, for non-specialist teachers and support assistants.

Supporting Dyslexia Learners involves:

  • developing, piloting and delivering a training programme for teachers and learning support assistants who work in many contexts and settings across the Learning and Skills Sectors (as identified in Success for All)
  • developing, piloting, evaluating and producing a suite of materials and resources for use by trainers to support the training of teachers and learning support assistants
  • bringing together the training programme and materials and resources to train a network of teacher trainers
  • ensuring that all trainers, training materials and resources and training programmes are embedded within the Skills for Life Quality Initiative
  • ensuring the collection of qualitative and quantitative information and undertaking case study creation, and dissemination and mainstreaming in organisational practice.

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Lincoln House, The Paddocks

Cambridge, CB1 8DH

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