A McDonald's Experience

Earlier this month, Tribal’s Barry Brooks and Martin Good had the pleasure of going undercover at McDonald’s in Marble Arch, giving them the chance to see what really happens behind the scenes at the multi-million pound fast-food establishment.

The experience was offered as part of McDonald’s policy to invite suppliers to gain a full understanding of how the business works, putting them in a stronger position to offer the most relevant and appropriate services.

Tribal provides McDonald’s with an e-learning service that is part of ‘Our Lounge’, a web site for all their 65,000 front-line staff, which offers them lots of useful advice on things like opening bank accounts, planning holidays, talking to your child’s teacher and gaining access to discounts from organisations such as BSM and Gap. Our part, called ‘My Learning’, provides the opportunity for employees to improve their English and maths skills and gain a national qualification equivalent to GCSE, all done on line with support from a network of e-tutors.

Speaking about his experiences, Martin says: ‘Barry and I learnt a great deal about the reality of working at McDonald’s and were impressed by the happy atmosphere, the quality of the teamwork and the intensity of the work when it gets really busy. The crew treated us with great kindness – they were very natural and generous towards us. Despite being a group of 25 including 15 nationalities, the McDonald's approach creates a powerful sense of team membership and working together very quickly.’

The day also revealed some interesting facts about McDonald's, including: 

  • all eggs used are free range and all milk is organic
  • McDonald’s doesn’t buy soya from the Amazon basin
  • all meat used within UK restaurants is sourced here and high environmental standards are imposed on suppliers
  • the crew is sent out every two hours to pick up any rubbish that customers have deposited in the surrounding streets
  • McDonald’s has a strategic partnership with Greenpeace.

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