Skills for Life

Supporting Skills for Life Learners: Level 2 professional development

For people who are working towards the Level 2 Certificate for adult learner support. Candidates must complete units 1 and 2 of the course, plus one of the three specialist units.

Target audience

  • Candidates enrolled on the Level 2 course
  • Non-specialists needing to know more about adult literacy and numeracy
  • Tutors.


  • Working in the sector
  • Supporting learners
  • Literacy, numeracy, and ESOL.

Exploring Grammar and Developing Reading Skills

This CD-ROM supports the delivery of the Level 4 literacy subject specifications. It introduces English grammar and the associated meta-language, which is a cornerstone of becoming a Skills for Life professional.

Target audience

Anyone studying for the literacy specifications at Level 4, or teacher trainers delivering the specifications. Also useful for users at Level 3 and anyone engaged with core subject knowledge on generic post-16 teacher education courses.


  • Word classes
  • Phrases and clauses
  • Sentence types
  • Text types and verb forms
  • Sources of reading difficulty
  • Sequencing learning.

Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Awareness

Developed by the University of Wolverhampton and the Birmingham Core Skills Partnership, for teachers working towards a Level 4 qualification. The CD-ROM-based multimedia resource offers in-depth coverage of the measurement, geometry and spatial awareness section of Level 4 to address key aspects of numeracy teaching:

  • the mathematical knowledge and skills required within personal numeracy skills
  • how these might be applied within particular teaching and learning situations.

There are three main sections – Underpinning personal skills, Working with the Level 2 adult numeracy core curriculum, and Case studies.