McDonald's MyLearning

Our lounge'My learning' builds on the principles of the Move On project by positively promoting short brush-up courses aimed at gaining national qualifications in Skills for Life, and presenting them in real-life contexts.

'My learning' is groundbreaking in several ways. Whilst it uses many existing Tribal CTAD technologies, such as the Target Skills Initial Assessment and Target Skills materials, it is a new platform which acts as an inclusive Skills for Life learning web program. Its personalised approach to developing a learning plan ensures that learners' needs are best met, based on their existing skills.

The learning plan is created out of a wide variety of learning modules incorporating both Tribal CTAD materials and high-quality free web-based resources. A focused and relevant programme of learning is then assembled, based on the outcome of the learner assessment results. By integrating the learning engine into 'Our lounge', McDonald’s is able to present Skills for Life learning as a core part of their Employee Value Proposition.

Using a web-based system of learning supported by Level 4-qualified tutors on line, My learning has unique selling points to employers and employees, such as:

  • a single, national standard of high quality provision
  • learning as part of the core employer brand
  • learning anywhere, at times convenient to the student
  • able to be used on any Internet-connected computer in the world.

By working closely with McDonald’s, the Learning and Skills Council and the exam body OCR, Tribal CTAD has been able to offer a streamlined system by using secure, flexible IT systems to allow easy dovetailing with existing data sets. Paperwork is limited to the National Test certificate. Sixty-eight McDonald’s restaurants are registered as Skills for Life exam centers with trained invigilators, ensuring that, from assessment to qualification, there is no need for a learner to go anywhere less convenient than their home or place of work.

With excellent press reports, hundreds of active learners, and highly positive staff feedback, ‘My learning’ points the way to a post-Leitch future, where Skills for Life learning is part of a responsible staff offer, and is an example of Tribal CTAD’s unique offer to commercial clients.

For further information, click these links:

BBC: McDonald's to offer exams at work
Guardian: Would you like basic skills with that?

How can I find out more?


Dominic Smith
Tribal CTAD

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