Training Early Years Workers

Tribal has been awarded a contract to become a training provider for the new Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) in three English regions: London, the east and the south east. The Government aims to have EYPs in all children's centres offering early years provision by 2010 and in every full daycare setting by 2015.

Elaine Voice, project director for EYPS at Tribal, explains, "The first five years of life are critical in children's development and the EYPS demonstrates that holders meet a set of national, graduate-level EYP standards covering knowledge, understanding, skills, and other professional attributes. This initiative links with the Every Child Matters agenda and will help to raise the quality of early years provision. It offers a new career progress route for those working in the sector."

Tribal is one of the largest providers of training and continuous professional development to the public sector. We are experts in online learning materials and blended learning, and have solid experience of working with both local authorities and voluntary organisations in the early years and childcare sectors.

Newham College of Further Education in London will act as the awarding body for our EYPS courses. In addition, we have forged links with Carshalton College and Hertfordshire Regional College as part of the delivery of the EYPS in these areas.

The development of EYPS is being led by the Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC) which recognises the importance of increasing levels of training and development across the workforce. It is responsible for driving forward and promoting EYPS by working with partners in the early years sector.

Many EYPS students are in full-time employment and so traditional face-to-face courses are not always convenient or possible for them. We are offering a unique blended learning package which allows students to study in their own time and at their own convenience through distance and online learning. We provide tutor support via the internet and telephone which traditional training outlets are unable to provide. We will also offer groups face-to-face tuition and support at times that suit them.

Elaine Voice adds, "The Children's Workforce Development Council has selected a range of providers who can offer flexible training options, not just the traditional routes of higher level qualifications."

Courses start at the end of January or beginning of February 2007 depending on the pathway selected. September 2007 and January 2008 starts are also possible.

Candidates can choose from four pathways:

  • Validation - three months
  • Short extended professional development (EPD) - six months
  • Long EPD - 15 months
  • Full training pathway - 12 months full-time

All EYPS training pathways are fully funded so training providers will not charge fees to any candidates. Bursaries are available to students on the full-time one-year pathway while employers of those on the part-time pathways are given funding for supply cover. Settings are also eligible for support from the local transformation fund via their local authority.

Target Skills Gold