A Beacon Award for m-learning!

Pembrokeshire College, one of a number of loyal, enthusiastic user-groups who have been involved with m-learning since Tribal CTAD’s earliest public trials in 2003, has just won a Beacon Award for their use of m-learning.

The Beacon Award, which is sponsored by the Further Education National Consortium (FENC), aims to promote collaborative working by further education colleges, businesses, and professional and voluntary organisations, and recognises imaginative and innovatory teaching and learning practice. Pembrokeshire College has been acknowledged for its leading work with m-learning, allowing learners to build their own learning though working together; this reflects the FENC’s ethos of ‘Take, Shape and Share’.

‘The award recognises the level of motivation that staff have in using technology to enhance the learning experience, whether it’s using the latest PDAs, interactive whiteboards in each classroom or the wireless environment,’ said Dr Geoff Elliott, Pembrokeshire College’s ILT manager.

Tribal CTAD’s director of technology, Geoff Stead, is delighted that developments in m-learning have been recognised by the prestigious award: ‘Tribal CTAD has the technological know-how to combine best pedagogic practice with our advanced software tools to make m-learning work successfully for many learners and organisations.’

If you would like to know more about how m-learning can help you and your learners, please contact our sales team: call or e-mail

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