Tribal CTAD wins Green Mark Award

8 August 2006 – Tribal CTAD has been awarded the Green Mark Award (Level 1) for good environmental practice. While Tribal CTAD has always had a strong commitment to sustainability, it was the impetus and support provided by the ESF/LSC-funded London Central project, in which Tribal CTAD is lead partner, that encouraged us to work towards this highly respected award. Find out more from the London Central project web site.

"Colleagues have really engaged in the effort to get the Green Mark by, for example, participating in recycling, and by doing double-sided copying and printing wherever practicable. They have also come up with ideas for improving processes within the company. Overall, since my appointment, there has been a significant increase in colleagues’ willingness to discuss green issues more openly and to make changes not just at work but also at home – a great example of the ‘ripple effect’".
Jennifer Massey, Environmental Champion, Tribal CTAD

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