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Some of the most powerful examples of m-learning occur when learners are truly mobile and collaborate in a real-time event. With mediaBoard you can host such events on the Internet with ease. Perfect for reflective learning!

Visit the mediaBoard page on the m-learning portal to find out more.


"I was really impressed by the authoring tools. The content they allow you to create is simple and will obviously evolve further based on feedback from participants (this is already version 2 I think) but — growing pains aside — the important thing is that the tools are simple to use. The ability to sit down, grab a few clipart or photo assets, compose some text and spit out a fully functional ‘mobile learning thing’ is still pretty unprecedented at this stage and CTAD (Tribal) has done a great job."

Stephanie Rieger
The Keitai blog



M-learning blog
by Geoff Stead
Director of Techology
Tribal Learning and Publishing




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