Other literacy and numeracy

ImageIn House/In Health

Learners take charge of their own learning by producing articles, writing letters and discussing attitudes and expectations. It is suitable for learners of all ages from 14+ looking to improve their spelling skills. More...

Image The New Reading Disc

This engaging resource uses sound, pictures, video and text. Learners can write articles and letters, debate, practise map-reading and play word games. More...

Image Words in Action

This resource develops The New Reading Disc further, using different topics, graphics and vocabulary. It provides a great progression for learners needing help with communication skills. More...

ImageWriting Web for Adults

This collaborative teaching tool acts like a writing frame, in which learners can publish their work to a web site. The CD-ROM contains a large selection of sample texts, photos, graphics and audio support. More...

Number DiscNumbers Disc

This resource tackles basic numeracy skills from an adult perspective, using age-appropriate content. It provides test questions and projects, and features video clips of other adult learners talking about their own experiences of dealing with numbers, offering personal hints and tips. More...

Numbers You Need

A series of CD-ROMs that provide practical, easy-to-use and inexpensive learning resources about decimals, fractions, percentages, negative numbers, approximation and estimation. More...