Skills for Life Quality Initiative

Skills for Life Quality Initiative websiteThe focus of this programme is on developing a national infrastructure for Skills for Life, with a whole-organisational approach and professional workforce for all publicly funded providers of post-16 literacy, language and numeracy.

Tribal has worked in collaboration with key regional stakeholders to produce Researching the Regional Picture, a report that describes current and emerging infrastructures, and professional development opportunities and needs.

How can I find out more?

Lincoln House, The Paddocks

Cambridge, CB1 8DH

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CTAD - Cambridge Training and Development


  1. Step in to Learning
  2. Embedded Learning Materials
  3. Grass Routes
  4. Skills for Life Quality Initiative
  5. Skilled for Health
  6. Front Line Workers Project
  7. Maths4Life
  8. Learning and Teaching Scotland
  9. London 2012
