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Over the last 25 years, Tribal has acquired enormous experience of learning, particularly in the Skills for Life domain. We have particular strength in working with the relationship between technology and learning, with all its attendant issues such as inclusion, accessibility, and the mix or ‘blend’ of methods and media that can best contribute to good practice.
Tribal is now:
We concentrate on education and training and, while we are experts in Skills for Life, our capability and experience in providing consultancy services and developing teaching and learning resources extend well beyond the basic skills arena.
We are preferred suppliers to the National Learning and Skills Council and are approved suppliers to the DfES, National Learning Network and the Scottish National Grid for Learning. We have developed many products for Ufi. Our clients also include the Department of Health, Trades Union Congress, City and Guilds, Regional Development Agencies, many Local Learning and Skills Councils, national voluntary organisations such as Alcohol Concern and the Foyer Federation, prisons, the Probation Service, and private companies.
We have an international reputation for work in learning design and development in conventional and new media. Our team combines pedagogical and technological expertise, using communications technology, multimedia and other formats to support learning through the use of vibrant, innovative environments.
We constantly looks for ways in which we can use cutting-edge technology to complement more conventional media, delivering meaningful and exciting material that engages learners in ever more diverse ways without compromising the essential learning outcomes.
Our design process reflects our objective of delivering material that is fit for purpose and involves regular consultation with the client, a user requirement analysis and an iterative process of prototyping and trialling.