Family Learning

Family LearningFamily literacy language and numeracy (FLLN) programmes are run across the country to offer parents, carers and children the chance to improve their literacy, language and numeracy skills in safe, non-threatening environments. The QIA has launched a new suite of programmes to support the extension, reach and quality of these FLLN programmes. The Alliance for Lifelong Learning* and the NRDC have been commissioned to take this work forward on behalf of QIA.

*The Alliance for Lifelong Learning is a collaboration between NIACE, the Basic Skills Agency at NIACE and Tribal.

Extending the reach of FLLN programmes
The programme started in September 2007 and involves the development of a number of new FLLN programmes to benefit hard-to-reach groups such as foster carers and children in their care. Embedding opportunities for young people in informal youth settings to access Skills for Life and in particular targeting minority groups including young offenders are also key. The programme covers the following areas:

  • Developing an FLLN programme for parents with children aged 0-5 (Early Years Foundation Stage)
  • Developing skills to move into employment
  • Working with bilingual families
  • Working with children in care and their carers
  • Evaluating recent work with grandparents and teenage parents
  • Supporting the delivery of Skills for Life in youth work settings
  • Delivering training for Step in to Learning for staff in children’s centres and developing customised materials for use with extended schools and other professionals (Step in to Learning materials can be accessed here)
  • Supporting professional development of Skills for Life teachers involved in the delivery of FLLN
  • Improving quality and supporting effective planning and delivery through a network of Skills for Families regional advisers
  • Developing and piloting a new BSA Quality Mark for the Early Years to support work with parents and families

Nurturing a love of reading
All children starting primary and secondary school in autumn 2007 in England will receive a free book through the Booktime and Booked Up initiatives. QIA has commissioned information packs for parents and carers to enable families to get the most out of reading together. The packs contain information and resources about reading and learning together and will reach 100,000 families of primary school children and 50,000 families of secondary school children.

The Analysis of the Family Literacy Programme is a two-year research project due to report in July 2009. This is a significant piece of research that will provide valuable data about the literacy gains for children and parents and the key factors influencing them.

National FLLN conference
Building on the success of the Families Getting On conference in 2007, we will be hosting a national FLLN conference in May 2008. Watch this space for more information!

Download programme brochure Download programme brochure (639.63 KB)

How can I find out more?

QIA FLLN Project Team
Tribal CTAD
Lincoln House, The Paddocks

Cambridge, CB1 8DH

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