Tribal's project development team

Tribal has recently strengthened its client offer by developing a team of individuals with specialist experience in the funding arena. The project development team has a wealth of experience securing funding for organisations from various sources including the following:

  • European Social Fund (ESF)
  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
  • Jobcentre Plus (JCP)
  • Neighbour Renewal Fund (NRF)
  • Big Lottery
  • Mainstream funding (for example, OLASS, Train 2 Gain and IAG)
  • Various individual grant-awarding opportunities.

Our specialisms

The project development team, headed up by Dr Martyn Park, has a national remit to work with clients to:
explore appropriate funding rounds (both capital and revenue funding), and match tenders to company objectives and strategic goals

  • carry out detailed labour market Information research to match company objectives to local, regional and national requirements/needs
  • develop project delivery plans (including delivery methodology, pricing, recruitment, and engagement) that outline how projects can be delivered in the most efficient and economical fashion
  • develop a wide range of company specific policies and procedures (examples include equality and diversity, recruitment, marketing, health and safety)
  • partner companies (from our database) with new clients with similar objectives and goals for specific projects and initiatives
  • prepare and write tenders (funding applications) in response to specific funding body requirements
    prepare, write and submit bids
  • manage the entire bid/tender application process
  • design, develop and produce position papers
  • advise on writing self assessment reports and quality improvement plans – mapped against the common inspection framework
  • deliver on-site bid writing training to employees
  • develop learner journeys from entry to exit – linking the journey with policies and procedures
  • carry out feasibility/capability studies, which lead to funding strategies
  • carry out project monitoring and evaluation
  • support the application process through editing and proofreading
  • produce project profiling and forecasting models that link to project budgeting.

Latest development in the new ESF programme

Tribal is very aware of the new ESF programme (2007–13), which will build on and develop the co-financing system introduced in 2000–2006. With a budget of €6,049m, the project will contribute to sustainable economic growth and social inclusion and add value to the Lisbon National Reform Programme.

Within a single ESF programme for England, there are two main priorities: extending employment opportunities; and developing a skilled and adaptable workforce. Regional Skills Partnerships will play a leading role in developing regional ESF strategies that will determine regional priorities for funding. It is expected that the first funding rounds under the 2007–2013 programme will be held in autumn 2007 and that project activity will start in early 2008.

A summary document of the new ESF programme has been put together for you to get the better understanding of how your organisation can benefit from the funding system.

Please download and fill in the form below and e-mail it to . A copy of the summary document of the new ESF programme will be e-mailed to you.

Download form Download form (165.00 KB)

You can also contact our project development team through the following:

By phone:

By e-mail: