Past projects

Step in to LearningStep in to Learning

Providing parents and carers with a first step into learning, improve the literacy, language and numeracy skills of the workforce and childcare sector. More... 

Embedded Learning MaterialsEmbedded Learning Materials

Developing literacy and numeracy materials with CfBT to help learners succeed at work, in the community or within vocational training. More...

Grass RoutesGrass Routes

Implementing Skills for Life amongst the hard-to-reach through the voluntary and community sector with the Experience Corporations. More...

Skills for Life Quality InitiativeSkills for Life Quality Initiative

Developing Skills for Life provision: infrastructures, professional development opportunities and investigation of needs. More...

Skilled for HealthSkilled for Health

Promoting equity for mentally ill patients with literacy, language or numeracy needs. More...

Front Line Workers ProjectFront Line Workers Project

Investigating, developing and evaluating with KPMG different models of effective practice in supporting the Government's Skill for Life strategy. More...


Enhancing and developing approaches in numeracy and non-specialist mathematics. More...

London 2012London 2012

A collection of resources to engage schools all over the UK in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. More...

CTAD - Cambridge Training and Development


  1. Step in to Learning
  2. Embedded Learning Materials
  3. Grass Routes
  4. Skills for Life Quality Initiative
  5. Skilled for Health
  6. Front Line Workers Project
  7. Maths4Life
  8. Learning and Teaching Scotland
  9. London 2012
