Privacy policy

Tribal's Approach

Tribal recognises your right to privacy. We use security precautions to make sure any information we collect about you remains private and is in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Our Data Protection Act registration number is Z5584105. Certain portions of our web sites may require you to sign in or create an account. Your private information (which may include your name, address, e-mail address, and other information) is not shared with any individuals or organisations outside Tribal unless you have authorised us to do so. All personal data provided by you will be treated strictly in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act. This means that confidentiality will be respected and that appropriate security measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised disclosure.

Sites we link to

Tribal may provide links to other web sites, which may help you in exploring basic skills and other education options. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these additional web sites.

Chat forums

Tribal may also occasionally make chat or discussion forums available for user services or special topics. Please keep in mind that any information you post to such discussions becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding what personal information to disclose.

User information

In order to evaluate which information we provide is most heavily used, how many visitors we receive, and how we might improve our service, Tribal does collect and analyse information from people who visit our sites. Information tracked may include your IP address and which pages you visited. Personal information, such as your name and e-mail address, is not stored in this process.

Tribal web sites may use cookies: bits of electronic information stored on your computer that can identify you and your preferences. Tribal is aware of the security implications of locally stored cookies and any information that may identify you is stored in an encrypted form. You can turn off this feature if you do not want cookies stored on your computer; please consult your web browser's help feature for information on disabling cookies. However, please note that disabling cookies will have a negative impact on site performance and may stop some parts of the web site working correctly. By using Tribal's web site, you agree to allow us to collect this information about your use of our site.

Your right of access to your information

By law, you have a right to be informed as what personal data is being kept by Tribal about you, the purposes for keeping that data and the recipients to whom that data may be disclosed. You can obtain this information by making a written request to Tribal at the address given below. Please note that Tribal may make a charge for supplying this information and such information will only be supplied where the identity of the requesting individual can be reliably established.

How to remove your information

From time to time, Tribal may send e-mail notices about new services or information available to those who have registered with an e-mail address. If you ever wish to be excluded from these mailings, please send an e-mail message to  requesting you be dropped from future e-mailings. Include your name and e-mail address in the message. At any time, users may request that their information be removed from our database by sending an e-mail request to . This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it. After you have been removed from our files, certain portions of our web site may no longer be available to you. Users may also request a copy of all the information Tribal has collected about them by signing and mailing a letter of request to the address listed below.

If you have any further questions about Tribal's web sites or privacy policy, please contact us at:

Lincoln House, The Paddocks

Cambridge,CB1 8DH

Tel :